WaMDaM_v1.05 [WaMDaM_DBWrench_Schema_v1.05.xml]
Table Name | Comment | Schema |
AttributeCategories | Organizes attributes under a group as in their original data source (e.g., hydropower attributes) | ResourceStruct |
Attributes | It is a bridge tables that allow associating many Object Types with many attributes. Users also can share the same native attribute across different object types like Capital Cost attribute that is shared for all the WEAP Objects | ResourceStruct |
CV_AggregationStatistic | CV term for the statistic that is performed over a time Support interval for time series values (e.g., cumulative, average, maximum) | CVs |
CV_AttributeDataType | Boolean, parameters, SeasonalParameter, TextFree, ControlledText, Files, TimeSeries, Column, Dummay, Network, MultiColumnArray | CVs |
CV_AttributeName | Controlled vocabulary for attributes like Volume which maps out to native attributes like capacity, vol, and storage | CVs |
CV_Categorical | Controlled text values that can be shared across attributes of instances like Land use “Grass_Pasture” or irrigation type "Flood”, states "Utah" | CVs |
CV_ElectronicFileFormat | Electronic file format like csv, jpg, NETCDF | CVs |
CV_ElevationDatum | A elvation datum (e.g., above sea mean level) to reference all the instances that belong to the same Master Network | CVs |
CV_InstanceName | Univeral instance name to link synonymous instance terms for the samee instance (e.g., Hyrum = Hrm & HyrumCity) | CVs |
CV_MethodType | A Method type is a controlled vocabulary term that can be like sample, simulation, optimization, or field procedure. The method type corresponds to “value type” attribute in the Observations Data Model | CVs |
CV_ObjectType | Controlled vocabulary for Object types like Reservoir which maps out to native object types like dam, reservoir, and waterbody | CVs |
CV_ObjectTypology | The typology of the Object Type as either: Node, link, network | CVs |
CV_ResourceType | Boolean, parameters, SeasonalParameter, TextFree, ControlledText, Files, TimeSeries, Column, Dummay, Network, MultiColumnArray | CVs |
CV_SeasonName | Controlled vocabulary for seasons (e.g., winter and day, night, holiday, weekend, week days) | CVs |
CV_SpatialReference | A spatial reference (e.g., NAD 1983) to reference all the instances that belong to the same Master Network | CVs |
CV_Units | A unit refers to the dimension of data values of a quantitative attribute, help users unambiguously interpret the meaning of data values. Qualitative attributes like a “dam owner name” have no unit. The Units table applies to the Attributes table in WaM-DaM Core and enforces the same unit for all attributes across the instances of an Object to meet the consistency of units in particular Data Structure as used in modeling. | CVs |
CategoricalValues | This table is similar to Text Free table but this one enforces controlled vocabulary on text data values to help users consistently define static descriptive text data values across instances. For example, a user can choose the owner type of a reservoir from a user predefined list like Federal, State, Local, and Private. | DataValues |
Connections | Creates the connectivity between node instances through links and specifies a flow direction by referencing the start and end node instances the link connects. | NetScen |
ElectronicFiles | This table stores references for data files which cannot be supported directly in WaM-DaM like maps, images, and documents | DataValues |
FreeText | This table is similar to Text Free table but this one enforces controlled vocabulary on text data values to help users consistently define static descriptive text data values across instances. For example, a user can choose the owner type of a reservoir from a user predefined list like Federal, State, Local, and Private. | DataValues |
InstanceCategories | Organizes instances under a group as in their original data source (e.g., riverine instances) | NetScen |
Instances | Instance is a particular realization or implementation of an Object Type as node or link for a Dataset in a specific location (e.g., Hyrum reservoir in Cache Valley, Utah). The Instance concept helps modelers to replicate a distinct Object Type to represent specific water system components in their models with particular data values. | NetScen |
Mappings | It is the central table in WaM-DaM which maps out data values to their attributes, metadata, and organizing structure (i.e., MasterNetworks, Scenarios, ObjectTypes, Instances, and Dataset). Therefore the Mapping table is often used to query data from WaMDaM database. | NetScen |
MasterNetworks | A Master Network is a specific implementation of a Dataset (or model), its Instances, and data values within a spatial location (e.g., Bear River Watershed, Utah). Master Networks help researchers to organize and then search groups of Instances that belong to a Dataset (or model)in space. For example, a Dataset for a WEAP model can be used to create separate WEAP model for the Bear River and the Weber River watersheds in Utah. | NetScen |
Methods | A Method refers to how a quantitative or qualitative data values of an attribute where created or generated and by whom. A Method helps users understand the procedure that was used to create data and realize its limitations. | Metadata |
MultiAttributeSeries | This table stores references to attributes that comprise attributes that are paired together | DataValues |
MultiAttributeSeriesValues | This table stores the data values for each column in the array along with a value order as an incremental integer (1, 2, 3…) that corresponds to the original order of data values in the paired array. | DataValues |
NumericValues | This table stores data values of single numeric parameters like an elevation of 45.5 that could have a unit of meter | DataValues |
ObjectCategories | Organizes objects under a group as in their original data source (e.g., small and big reservoirs) | ResourceStruct |
ObjectTypes | An Object Type is the building element of a dataset that modelers customize its attributes to represent a distinct water system component (e.g., reservoir or a river) in their models (data structures). An Object Type may represent physical and existing water components or to represent conceptual objects like representing water gains and losses in a river though a virtual node object at a point on a river. | ResourceStruct |
Organizations | . An organization refers to the institution that affiliates a person who generates data using a method or provides it as a source | Metadata |
People | A person record must be defined first to relate a source with an organization even if the person is unknown because sources connect to organizations through a person. | Metadata |
ResourceTypes | A ResourceType Structure is a particular configuration and arrangement of Object Types and their Attributes in a dataset (e.g., model) for a specific domain (e.g., water supply, wastewater collection, storm water). | ResourceStruct |
ScenarioMappings | The ScenarioMapping is a bridge table that allows associating many Mapping records with many scenarios. This table allows to map out the duplicate topology, metadata, and data between scenarios. This Table allows coping the entire data and structure for a scenario or or many times without duplicating any of that data | NetScen |
Scenarios | A scenario organizes different topologies or connections of Instances in a Master Network and different metadata or data values for the attributes that describe those Instances. A Scenario concept helps users represent different modeling alternatives that simulate socio-economic changes in water resources networks and their data | NetScen |
SeasonalNumericValues | This table stores data values of single numeric parameters like an elevation of 45.5 that could have a unit of meter | DataValues |
Sources | A data Source refers to the data provider and where quantitative or qualitative data values of an attribute came from and who provided them. | Metadata |
TimeSeries | This table stores metadata that are fixed for all the block of data values of a time series. | DataValues |
TimeSeriesValues | This table stores the time series data values and their time stamp | DataValues |
ValuesMapper | The DataValuesMapper is a bridge table that allows users to relate the same data value to many instances for the same attribute. For example, an evaporation time series can be related to many reservoir or demand site instances. It also allows the same attribute to have many data values. For example, reservoir purpose has irrigation and hydropower text data values. | DataValues |
WaMDaMVersion | Stores the version of WaMDaM database to keep track of changes and help validate the database when used in the Wizard | ResourceStruct |