ResourceStruct - Schema
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Schema: ResourceStruct


Table NameComment
AttributeCategoriesOrganizes attributes under a group as in their original data source (e.g., hydropower attributes)
AttributesIt is a bridge tables that allow associating many Object Types with many attributes. Users also can share the same native attribute across different object types like Capital Cost attribute that is shared for all the WEAP Objects
ObjectCategoriesOrganizes objects under a group as in their original data source (e.g., small and big reservoirs)
ObjectTypesAn Object Type is the building element of a dataset that modelers customize its attributes to represent a distinct water system component (e.g., reservoir or a river) in their models (data structures). An Object Type may represent physical and existing water components or to represent conceptual objects like representing water gains and losses in a river though a virtual node object at a point on a river.
ResourceTypesA ResourceType Structure is a particular configuration and arrangement of Object Types and their Attributes in a dataset (e.g., model) for a specific domain (e.g., water supply, wastewater collection, storm water).
WaMDaMVersionStores the version of WaMDaM database to keep track of changes and help validate the database when used in the Wizard





