DataValues - Schema
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Schema: DataValues


Table NameComment
CategoricalValuesThis table is similar to Text Free table but this one enforces controlled vocabulary on text data values to help users consistently define static descriptive text data values across instances. For example, a user can choose the owner type of a reservoir from a user predefined list like Federal, State, Local, and Private.
ElectronicFilesThis table stores references for data files which cannot be supported directly in WaM-DaM like maps, images, and documents
FreeTextThis table is similar to Text Free table but this one enforces controlled vocabulary on text data values to help users consistently define static descriptive text data values across instances. For example, a user can choose the owner type of a reservoir from a user predefined list like Federal, State, Local, and Private.
MultiAttributeSeriesThis table stores references to attributes that comprise attributes that are paired together
MultiAttributeSeriesValuesThis table stores the data values for each column in the array along with a value order as an incremental integer (1, 2, 3…) that corresponds to the original order of data values in the paired array.
NumericValuesThis table stores data values of single numeric parameters like an elevation of 45.5 that could have a unit of meter
SeasonalNumericValuesThis table stores data values of single numeric parameters like an elevation of 45.5 that could have a unit of meter
TimeSeriesThis table stores metadata that are fixed for all the block of data values of a time series.
TimeSeriesValuesThis table stores the time series data values and their time stamp
ValuesMapperThe DataValuesMapper is a bridge table that allows users to relate the same data value to many instances for the same attribute. For example, an evaporation time series can be related to many reservoir or demand site instances. It also allows the same attribute to have many data values. For example, reservoir purpose has irrigation and hydropower text data values.





